We are a member of the NDNA -National Day Nurseries Association. National Day Nurseries Association is the national, award-winning charity and membership association for nurseries throughout the UK and internationally. We’re here to give vital information and advice on every aspect of childcare, to provide expert training and to campaign for changes that will help to give children the best possible start in life.
Food Standards Agency
We have been awarded a level 5 (very good) from the Food Standards Agency. We had our Food Standards inspection at the end of November and maintained the level 5 for the 3rd year running.
Infection Prevention and Control for Childcare Settings
We have achieved the Infection Prevention and Control for Childcare Settings.
Aimed to provide best practice guidance with regards the basic infection prevention and control practices required within settings providing day care for children under the age of 5 years.
Gold Standard Healthy Snack Award Plus
“Cardiff and Vale Gold Standard Healthy Snack Award is open to day nurseries, flying start groups, playgroups, childminders and after school clubs. They can achieve the award if healthy snacks and drinks are provided and guidelines on hygiene and the eating environment are met. If a group meets this criteria and has a member of staff trained in nutrition, they can achieve the ‘Gold Plus’ award.” -taken from the Nhs Website
Designed to Smile
Designed to Smile is an NHS Dental programme funded by the Welsh Government helping children to have healthier teeth. All Dental teams in Wales have been informed about the Designed to Smile programme.
We also want to encourage children to brush their teeth once a day at nursery or school. Evidence shows regular use of a ‘family’ fluoride-containing toothpaste helps reduce the need for fillings and extractions.
Cardiff Healthy and Sustainable Pre-School Scheme (CHaSPS)
The Cardiff Healthy and Sustainable Pre-School Scheme is a national award for Nutrition and Oral Health. We are currently working towards this National Award.
Wales Pre-School Providers Association (WPPA)
We are now members of the WPPA, they support pre-school children, their families and Early Years providers to give every child across Wales the best start in life. We are currently working on a accreditation with the WPPA.
Early Years Nutrition Partnership (EYN)
We are members of Early Years Wales, they are the largest umbrella organisation, they support both early years providers and families.
The Early Years Wales have their own accredited quality assurance scheme -Quality For All (QFA) for which we have received a ‘Highly Commended’.