Violets (18 – 24 months)

The violets are located on the ground floor and caters for 18 children aged between 18 months and 2 years. The room is divided into 3 areas which include a carpet area for quiet times, reading and music an movement, a wet/messy area for all the sand, water and creative activities and a large area used for construction and group activities. The Violets provide low level sleep mats and clean fresh bedding each day.
During these crucial developmental years, children start to learn the beginnings of self-control and how to relate to other people. We understand that it’s vitally important that children are encouraged to develop their social and cognitive skills and our highly experienced staff will build on these communication skills so each child not only begins to develop a sense of self, but also becomes more able to express their feelings and needs. Exploration and simple independence builds a sense of self-confidence, also provides valuable learning experiences about boundaries and how to handle frustration.
Playing with toys that come apart and fit together encourages problem solving and simple planning, while imaginative play helps children learn about a range of possibilities. At this stage of development, adults are an important source of security and comfort.

Learning & Development

The Violets operate on a 1 adult to 3 children ratio in a room that is designed to provide a safe, secure, yet challenging environment for children. The complementary garden area also provides opportunities for little ones to explore, use their senses, and be physically active, with activities including:
- Three Large Spacious Areas – to encourage gross motor skills (such as posture and large movements) and fine motor skills (such as hand eye co-ordination and fine movements).
- Imitation Play – to encourage speech, social and listening skills through the use of dolls, teddy bears and puppets.
- Messy Play – to encourage fine motor skills and exploration of objects using all the senses.
- Sensory Play – to encourage all aspects of sensory development, attention and concentration skills including the ability to make simple choices.
- Book Play – to develop language skills and encourage an early love of books by sharing them with a caring adult.
- Treasure Baskets – to encourage early object explorations of different textures, colours, patterns, shapes, sizes and weights.
- Sand & Water Play – to encourage exploration of objects using a child-focused approach.