Poppies (2 – 3 years)
The poppies are based on the ground floor of the nursery in a large area divided into 2 rooms. They cater for 25 children aged between 2-3 years old. The area has a wet/messy area and a carpet area for quieter and group activities, the area also provides space to sleep on low level beds with clean fresh bedding provided daily. The poppies room overlooks the the enclosed garden area, which can be accessed through the lockable patio doors.
At two years old, a child’s fine motor skills continue to develop. They enjoy making marks using a variety of materials, looking at picture books and listening to stories – all of which are important steps in literacy.
Independence soon emerges, and adult support and encouragement in areas such as eating, dressing and toileting is vital; and continual praise for new achievements helps to build little ones’ self-esteem.
Developing physical skills also means that children can now walk, climb and run – allowing them to participate in active play with other children. This is also an important time for children to learn about dangers and safe limits.
Two Large Spacious Rooms – to encourage gross motor skills (such as posture and large movements) and fine motor skills (such as hand eye co-ordination and fine movements).
- Imitation Play – to encourage speech, social and listening skills through the use of dolls, teddy bears and puppets.
- Messy Play – to encourage fine motor skills and exploration of objects using all the senses.
- Sensory Play – to encourage all aspects of sensory development, attention and concentration skills including the ability to make simple choices.
- Book Play – to develop language skills and encourage an early love of books by sharing them with a caring adult.
- Treasure Baskets – to encourage early object explorations of different textures, colours, patterns, shapes, sizes and weights.
- Sand & Water Play – to encourage exploration of objects using a child-focused approach.
- Language Resources – using language games and resources that focuses on language skills (through fun games, rhymes and songs) which help to enhance communication skills, self esteem, confidence and social skills with others.
- Physical Activities – every environment (indoors and out) provides a place where children can either be active or rest and reflect. Our dedicated dance sessions also encourage a progression of skills to promote confident movement, health and bodily awareness as well as control in using physical play equipment.