Monitoring Progress

At Darling Buds Nursery, we are wholeheartedly committed to encouraging your child to develop their full potential. As part of our daily practice we observe and monitor the children to support our planning. This information is collated and recorded for every child. This enables us to assess each child’s personal and educational development and to plan the next steps of their learning.
As a Nursery we maintain two types of records. One is an on-going progress record for the time they are with us until they leave the Nursery. The other is a Daily Record Book. Both are available to Parents/Carers.
In order for us to offer your child the very best learning and development opportunities, we welcome all comments and concerns regarding your child’s progress. Should you have any specific concerns, we will be more than happy to arrange a meeting with your child’s Key Worker to discuss these issues and suggest ways in which they can be overcome, both in the Nursery and at home.
We encourage all the children to join in, to behave well and show consideration for others, and to develop a routine so they emerge as confident individuals ready for school.